Gloves Are Off to the UK!
It’s always fun to be mailing things internationally. Well, except for the actual trip to the post office, but I do really like the international-ness of Etsy.
I got one of our KJazz volunteers to pose for this picture before I packed them up. Again, you can’t see the difference in the colors of the rings and chains. It’s subtle, but the clusters are a bit darker. They’re in ecru and the chains are in cream. I like the color combination even better than I expected.
Now that the pledge drive and the gloves are done I’m getting back to other tatting projects. I’m meeting up with a bride this weekend and am working on her garter belt as well as some of the favors for the guests.
Speaking of international, I have been talking to someone else in another country about doing some combined work. I won’t go into details here until we’ve settled on the project and scope some more. It should be very interesting when it’s done!